
Showing posts with the label Olabode George Towoju

Towoju seeks cooperation in boosting IGR

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has called on government agencies to rise up to their task of supporting the administration of Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq in boosting the Internally Generated Revenue of the state.  Towoju made the call while hosting the newly-appointed board members of the Kwara State Television Authority (KWTV) at the Ministry's Conference room today.    The Commissioner, who lauded the administration of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for the prompt payment of workers' salary despite the sharp drop of one billion naira in the February allocation, with the continuous full payment of the Minimum wage, added that all hands should be on deck to maximise the potentials of revenue generation for the state. He praised the management of KWTV and commended them for the 24 hours transmission and clarity of the signals of the station. The Commissioner also  showered encomiums on the General Manager o

Towoju felicitates with Iya Lamule on birthday

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has felicitated with the Special Assistant on Women Empowerment to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, Alhaja Bolane Ismail (Iya Lamule), on her birth anniversary. Towoju described  Iya Lamule as a selfless leader committed to seeing that all women in the state  prosper and thrive. The Commissioner said this in a congratulatory message to mark the birthday of the woman leader. "Iya Lamule is simply wonderful. Go to any occasion she attends and see how happy she makes Kwara women feel. They are always happy to rally round her and show her that they love her. They are enjoying her because she is using her office to serve God and humanity. "Governor AbdulRazaq is passionate about the welfare of Kwarans and most importantly, the Kwara Woman, hence, the need to choose someone of high integrity and a kind heart, which led to the emergence of Iya Lamule as the Special Assistant on Women Empowerment

Towoju, Buraimoh call for peaceful electoral conduct

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has called on Kwarans and eligible voters in the country to shun electoral violence and other electoral vices as the country draws nearer to the 2023 elections. Towoju made the call today during a Kwara Tabloid event, "Pre-Election Roundtable" with the theme : "Detriments of Election-Day Apathy", held at the Kwara Hotels, Ilorin. He stated that election period should not be a time of criminality but of "peace and order." He called on all parties to let love lead and let the people's votes count, without any show of oppression or disorderliness.   "If we all think "Kwara First", we will not allow anybody use us against any party during elections. We will all vote out conscience and see ourselves as brothers and sisters.  "This is the only State we have. Kwara is our State. This is our home and there is no place like home. Do not let u

We have moved, join the moving train-Towoju

The Kwara State Governor, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, has been praised of his simplicity and determination to use government's resources judiciously for the progress of the State. The accolades were showered on the governor by the Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, during an interactive Radio Programme, "The Platform."  Towoju, who made reference to the Governor's recently-celebrated birthday, said Mallam AbdulRazaq is committed to easing the affairs of workers in the State and the general public, as opposed to recklessly lavishing the state's resources, on his birth anniversary.  In Kwara State right now, it is getting better. In fact, we have moved. Everybody that desires progress should join the moving train. Governor AbdulRazaq keeps doing it and he has given all the senators free hands to excel, no wonder one of them just organised a mega empowerment in the state's name," Towoju stated.  "Gove

Towoju felicitates with Buraimoh on birth anniversary

The Kwara State Commissioner of Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has congratulated the Commissioner for Environment,  Hon. Abosede Olaitan Buraimoh, on the occasion on her birthday, today, 30th of January, 2022.   In a goodwill message made available by the Press Secretary of the Ministry, Ayobami Ashaolu, Towoju was quoted to have described the immediate past Communications Commissioner and present Commissioner of Environment, as a "fellow colleague who is hardworking , dedicated and committed to the progress of Governor Abdulrazaq's administration. "Hon. Olaitan Buraimoh is someone who puts her best in everything she does, no wonder His Excellency, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazak, has deemed it fit to hand over the reins of the Ministry Of Environment to her, a gesture targeted at achieving quick results in birthing a clean and green Kwara as charity, they say, begins at home," Towoju added.  The Commissioner prayed to God to grant the celebran

Commissioner Pledges Support in the fight against Illegal billboards

The Kwara State Commissioner of Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has reiterated that illegal billboards and posters in parts of  the state will be removed in order to give the state a cleaner and tidier look. He made this assertion today in his office at a meeting with the Director General of the Kwara State Signage and Advertisement Agency (KWASAA), Mr. Olorunshola Omotayo and his management team. Towoju, who promised that the government will do all in its power to make sure that the state is rid of illegal Billboards that are constituting environmental nuisance, also gave the assurance that the government will attend to the Agency's needs, adding that all the tools they need to function effectively will be provided. On his part , the Director General of KWASAA, Mr. Olorunshola Omotayo,  commended the  commissioner for his committment to the development of Kwara State.  He sought government's help in getting a removal machine , so

KWSG Committed To Social Infrastructure Development- Towoju

Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Olabode George Towoju, says the present administration in the state is committed to comprehensive rehabilitation of decayed infrastructure across the state.  The strategic rehabilitations of the infrastructure, according to Towoju, are particularly noticeable in the comprehensive rehabilitation of Water Works, schools and roads. "Since its inauguration in 2019, the administration of His Excellency, Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq, has shown great commitment to provision and rehabilitation of social services like road, water and qualitative education across the state," he said. The Commissioner, who made the assertion on a radio programme in Ilorin, noted that the move was part of the strategic plans of the AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq's administration to make life easier and more comfortable for the people of the state. He urged the residents of the state  to feel free in letting the government know their chal

"He for She" Award: Towoju Congratulates Governor AbdulRazaq

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has congratulated the Governor of Kwara State, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, on the occasion of the " HE for SHE " Award presented to the Governor by the Women Wing of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in recognition of his role in promoting women inclusion and empowerment in Nigeria. In a statement, the Press Secretary of the Ministry, Ayobami Ashaolu, quoted the Commissioner to have described the award as "not coming as a surprise because the Governor is the first Governor in all 36 states to nominate a female majority cabinet and deliberately mainstream gender inclusion in the state.    "Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq is for everybody. There is nothing like gender insensitivity in his dictionary. This is even evident in the recent legislation which made it binding and necessary that there must be, at least, 35 per cent  women participation in the cabinet and p

Journalists will be Elevated to their rightful Position -Towoju

The Kwara State Commissioner of Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has sought for cooperation with journalists in the state in order to move the state forward.  Calling on the journalists to always stand for the truth, he added that many cankerworms will soon be made open and the "evil doers" will not go unpunished.  Towoju said that the past administrations mishandled many government properties, adding that it is one of the issues the government of Abdulrahman AbdulRazaq is trying to solve.  The Commissioner made the submission at the Media Parley held at the Correspondents Chapel of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) at his maiden appearance at the Chapel.  He added that "it is unfortunate that things have gone bad but we must not rest. As a member of the White Paper Committee on Illegal Acquisition of Properties in Kwara State from 2019 till date, I have the privilege to know many hideous things the past administration

Commissioner Assures Press Secretaries of Improved Treatment

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has assured the Press Secretaries and Information Officers of the Ministry of a better treatment under the administration of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq. Towoju  reiterated that part of the Governor's willingness to treat the foot soldiers of the Communications Ministry well is evident in the training workshop that was organized for Press Secretaries recently. The Commissioner made this known today while officially meeting the Information Officers / Press Secretaries of the Kwara State Ministry of Communications at the Ministry's Conference room.  "First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your labour of love towards ensuring the government gets the needed publicity for its programmes and activities. I am happy to be among all of you. Kwara is our Jerusalem, let us always think "Kwara First" in all we do. We will rebuild Kwara and make sure w