
Showing posts with the label AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq

Tertiary Education: Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq The Game Changer

By Mansurat Amuda-Kannike Prior to the inauguration of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq’s administration, tertiary institutions in Kwara State were in a state of comatose, due to the lackadaisical attitude of previous administrations. From the Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, to those in Lafiagi and Oro, to  College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies (CAILS), and the Colleges of Nursing and Midwifery in Ilorin and Oke-Ode, there were painful stories of strikes, non-payment of staff salaries, infrastructural decay and inability to secure accreditation for programmes, among others. Expectedly, morale of teachers and students alike was very low as the future of tertiary education in the state was painfully bleak. Consequently, Kwara streets, especially Ilorin, were turned to protests ground for staff begging for their salaries, students marching to Government House to ensure school reopening after a long period of strike and management staff dying in silence over non-

A Peep into Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq’s Basic Education Development Interventions

By Abiola Ameenat Atere The education sector in Kwara State has never had it this good; especially since the return of Nigeria to democratic governance on 29th May, 1999. Before Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq administration came on board three years ago, there was a big rot in the primary education sector. The State had become a serial defaulter in meeting critical counterpart funding obligations that could drive that education sector to success.  The State thus became a pariah of sorts. Dilapidated classrooms, outdated teaching and learning aids, as well as poor morale of teachers in the primary education sector in our dear State.  However, over the last three years, a new lease of life is being witnessed in Kwara, especially with the unprecedented milestones recorded in the improvement of basic education, teaching and learning in the State.  Thus became achievable because Governor AbdulRazaq, as a man of honour, effected the State’s obligation to Universal Ba

KWSG maximising potentials of Kwara Women-Towoju

The Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has reiterated the interest of the government in maximising the potentials of the Kwara woman so as to help with the development of the state. Towoju gave the submission during a familiarization visit to the Kwara State Chapter of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), on Tuesday, which also coincided with the International Women's Day, in Ilorin.  He stated that Gov. AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq values women and knows their importance to any nation's development.  " The Gender parity bill was recently passed and this ensures that women have at least a 35% representation in political offices. They can also have more than that, if they desire. The floor is open for them. They are the salt of the earth and they deserve as much chance as the men too," the Commissioner said.  Talking on the achievements of the government, Towoju pointed out that the governor is a "talk and do" g

Towoju Congratulates Gov. AbdulRazaq on 62nd Birthday

Kwara State Commissioner for Communications, Hon. Olabode George Towoju, has congratulated Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on his birthday. Towoju, in a statement, described AbdulRazaq's birthday celebration as another session of rejoice for Kwarans, as the people of the State are happy and excited to celebrate him as a token of recompense for the overwhelming stride of development he has brought to the State.   Part of the congratulatory message reads, "We use this medium to congratulate our Governor who is, today, 62-year old. On behalf of myself and the entire good people of Kwara, I say happy birthday to you, Sir. Kwarans are marvelled at and grateful for the way you have turned the State that was crawling before you assumed office to a horse that runs in full energy and exuberance." Towoju noted that the Governor's birthday symbolises for the State another moment of complete rebirth as the people of the State are optimistic of further level of amazing

KWTV Begins 24 hours Transmission

The Governor of Kwara State, Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, has re-echoed the government's readiness to continually upgrade and reposition the media houses in the state for effective dissemination of government's activities. Gov. AbdulRazaq made this assertion during the official switch on of transmission signal for 24 hours broadcasting of the Kwara State Television Authority (KWTV).  He recalled that on assumption of office, the State-owned media houses ; Radio Kwara, Kwara State Television and The Herald, were virtually dead as workers' morale was very low. "Before this administration came on board, our media houses were in a state of comatose but under our watch, we have successfully turned the narrative around and we will not stop until we achieve our aims," the governor said. Mallam AbdulRazaq also said that since he  became the governor, Radio Kwara and the Herald Newspaper have benefitted from the media houses restructur